executive coach, leadership training, time management and patient satisfaction. Executive coaching, leadership development and training in provider-patient communication and healthcare communication.


Providing executive coaching and public, company and on-line 

workshops globally for people who want a dramatic increase in 

producing bottom-line results, increasing profitability and reducing stress.  

 Current and future leaders develop the skills and practices required to 

successfully meet the pace and complexity of today’s work environment.  

Certified in assessments such as DISC and Emotional Intelligence.

Founded by Warrior Coach, Pete Farmer, M.D.

                                                                                            executive coach, leadership training, time management and patient satisfaction.  Tell me more


executive coach, leadership training, time management and patient satisfaction. Executive coaching, leadership development and training in provider-patient communication and healthcare communication.


For comments or further information, contact Pete Farmer at 
Pete@WarriorCoaching.com or 615.942.6637